Darlene Witte

Darlene Witte

Professor of Education, (retired) at Johnson State College in Vermont leads the Green Mountain Writers' Poetry & Performance workshop that meets on Zoom each month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7 PM ET. Find out more at https://www.meetup.com/green-mountain-writers

A Poem for the Pandemic

The old world dies, the new waits. . .All the Poets have gone quiet.They’re hushed. Listening as the old ghosts gather. How they shiver. . . do you hear their dark chants fade? They emptymind from mind. Do you hear…

A Lemon Tree Grew Here

A lemon tree grew here all in one nightin the darkafter I left the room. I turned out the light, went upstairsto close my eyes. A bitter seed dropped out of my mouth. I was swallowed by sorrow. But your…

Becoming the Invisible Child

When I was young, after my mother died, I chose to make myself invisible. I understand why. As a child who was trapped in my father’s world, I could not make another choice. I accepted the abnormal of his world…