Re-Generation: Mother-Child

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Re-Generation: Mother-Child poem by Darlene Witte

Behind the waterfall,
into the longing, the roar
of water at the center of the world
down into deep folded grooves
of ancient life, down to the roots
I sink. Through elemental ooze, I
stretch into the night-flow,
find my raw under-skin, open my mouth.

Where the tears of the world outpour
we entwine, form-re-form
in placental embrace.

Ever birthing, re-birthing
mother, child.
We are this up-stretching trunk,
this down-flow that returns to itself:

You abide within the depth of my root.
I dwell within the fold of your branches.

Published in “The Best of Burlington Writers Workshop” 2014
ISBN-10: 0989070913; ISBN-13: 978-0-09890709-1-1

Darlene Witte
Darlene Witte

Professor of Education, (retired) at Johnson State College in Vermont leads the Green Mountain Writers' Poetry & Performance workshop that meets on Zoom each month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 7 PM ET. Find out more at

Articles: 64

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