(New Year’s Day, 2015)

I caught a glimpse, a flash,
of a light form, a fleeting.
I stepped closer, and followed.
A Presence unfurled, star – soaked.
Her Question came, silver-rung. Strong.
“Why do you follow me here, tonight?
I can hear your heart whisper where it lies,
broken, against my simple love,
and I hear, beating-within-the-beat,
your cry to mend what is broken,
to find what is lost,
what has faded, what has failed.”
The moon-wind rose, lifted me
wild, I fresh – caught the gladness
and felt once again the full beating
flow of the unbroken heart:
The light-formed-of-light,
the light-filled-with-light.
the white brightness of Love
the voiced heart of hope,
that true-ringing, soft-singing.
slow growing, clear seeing,
ever – true shining:
The greening New Year.